Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mountain Laurel

Among all the overgrown shrubs I've inherited on my new property is the beautiful Mountain Laurel, or Kalmia latifolia. It exploded with clusters of pale pink flowers which created "pom-poms" all over.

The buds are usually a deeper pink color and then they pop open to these cup-like flowers. They have a very sweet fragrance which can draw you in, but beware because all parts of this plant are poisonous.

The dark, glossy green leaves resemble Rhododendron (they are in the same family) and are evergreen. Like most Azaleas and Rhododendrons, Mountain Laurel prefer soils with an acidic pH and partial sun. It's also the state flower of Connecticut and Pennsylvania!

Friday, June 15, 2012

What's Blooming: June 2012

It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! Here's what's growing and blooming in my new garden this month:

The Hydrangeas are in full bloom now. I didn't know what color these were going to be, but I just love this hot pink.

The front garden, under the Japanese Maple tree is blooming nicely. Lychnis, Impatiens, Shasta Daisy and soon-to-bloom Russian Sage are looking good.

The path to the backyard is lined with all kinds of different Hostas. Some are shooting out flower spikes (like the one below).

The garden by the front sidewalk is also in full bloom with Gaura, Achillea, Shasta Daisy and a few remaining Salvia.

These Tradescantia are a nice pale blue and I can just see one Black-eyed Susan starting to bloom around the midsection.

In the backyard, the Astilbe are blooming and enjoying their shady spot. 

And a beautiful blue lace-cap Hydrangea is blooming along the back patio.

Does anyone know if this is a weed? My gut says yes, but since I don't know what has been planted here, I can't really tell for sure. 

As always, any thanks to Carol over at May Dreams Gardens for hosting the monthly Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Chameleon Plant in Bloom

Ok, in my last post I wrote about how the Chameleon plant is invasive, hard to get rid of and an overall headache. Since then, the plant has bloomed for me in my garden. I still stand by my previous thoughts on the plant, however, I will admit that it does look rather pretty, en masse, in bloom:

Here's a close-up of the flower. Its rather insignificant and doesn't have a fragrance, but is still pretty against the green leaves.

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