Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has finally come to Long Island, although I must say, it's taking its time. Despite the chillier than normal conditions, the bulbs are still blooming, the trees are beginning to leaf out and the grass is greener.

It's exciting to see our new backyard coming to life after the long winter. Soon after the construction was completed, we were hit by Hurricane Sandy. Amazingly, we lost no trees and had minimal damage to the property. I thought for sure after the multiple snowstorms we had after the hurricane that at least one shrub wouldn't make it. But I was wrong. They all survived - some with a bit of winter burn or a few broken branches, but on the whole, they were ok.

Last fall I planted 100 daffodil, 50 tulip and 80 crocus bulbs. So wonderful to see them emerge and then into full blossom.

Now the Weeping Cherry tree is in full bloom, Forsythia is almost finished and the Lilac shrubs have buds on them. Ah spring, I've been waiting for you!

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