Monday, July 16, 2018

July Garden: What's Blooming Now

It's hot and humid here on Long Island, NY this month, which is typical for July. Around this time, I'm happy I did most of my big gardening tasks in the spring when the weather was more comfortable. Still, there is always a flower to deadhead or a perennial to relocate. Thankfully though, the garden is mostly on auto pilot and I'm enjoying the blooms.

Here's what's growing and blooming in my garden this month:

 The Russian Sage mingles with the Black Eye Susans

Echinacea 'Hot Papaya' really stands out (and above!) the 
Sedum, Liatris and more Black Eyed Susans

 A beautiful pink bee balm - Monarda 'Raspberry Wine'

More pinks! Above, coneflowers (echinacea) in bloom and below, a hydrangea -

Over in the shade garden, the Japanese Painted Fern is looking lovely next to the small Hosta 'Mouse Ears' and Hosta 'June.' This whole garden is finally starting to fill in!

Do you have any of these same plants? How's your garden this month? I'd love to hear from you!

After leaving a comment, head on over to May Dreams Gardens to see what's blooming around the country today.

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