Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooky Looking Plants

Happy Halloween!
On a recent visit to the New York Botanical Garden, I found some plants that looked down right spooky (with a little imagination of course). Have a look and let me know if you agree!

 The evil, staring one-eyed yellow lady...

 Help me! I'm being devoured by a purple monster! Said Mr. Bee.

 Beware of the purple tentacles of the scary monster hiding in the bushes...

 Oh no, the shrub is bleeding!

 Snakes, twisted and curling over one another on the ground...

 Bony, knobby fingers of a skeleton's hand...

 A mysterious, entrancing pink orb with laser beam eyes....

 Sea serpents emerging from the pond, looking for prey...

Beady little eyeballs, caked in blood...

 The moldy, green crevices of the brain...

 Creepy skeleton like creatures swaying in the breeze...

 A rat's tail!

 Icky, sticky spider web, painted purple to lure you in...

Hope you have a wonderful and spooktacular Halloween!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Late Season Blooming Flowers: Anenome 'Queen Charlotte'

Japanese anenomes are a great choice of perennial for late season color in the garden. It blooms prolifically from late summer through early fall, even until frost in some climates. 

'Queen Charlotte' is a new addition to my garden and I was so excited to see it's blossoms appear last week. 

This anenome has a lovely light pink flower, single to semi-double blossoms with a cluster of bright yellow stamens in the center. The flowers appear atop tall, wiry stems above a pretty cluster of green foliage. The delicate stems sway in the breeze and the soft pink color is a welcome hue in the fall garden. 

They prefer partial shade but will tolerate more sun if need be and can grow to 3 feet tall. 'Queen Charlotte' are a great cut flower too!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What's Blooming This Month? October 2013

Autumn is definitely in the air! The leaves are starting to turn, the air is cool and dry and the mums are blooming everywhere beautifully.

Here's what's blooming in my Long Island garden this month:

Rudbeckia 'Cherry Brandy'

The carpet roses are still blooming and their pale pink color is a nice contrast to the 
golds, reds and oranges this month. 

The New Guinea Impatiens are really looking full and lush right now. They are paired next to an attractive variety of coleus that keeps a mounding habit. 

The Japanese maple tree is the highlight of this garden bed. 
Below it, the Sedums have taken center stage. 

Salvia pratensis 'Twilight Serenade'

The last few remaining Black-eyed Susans are complimented nicely by the 
deep pink of these New Guinea Impatiens. 

Salvia 'Black and Blue' - oh how I love the deep, rich color of the blooms contrasting to the bright green foliage. Definitely getting more of these next season. 

Ornamental peppers look right at home next to the cheery, yellow mums. 

The Montauk Daisy is just starting to bloom and is such a welcome sight this month!

And that's what's going on in my part of the world! Be sure to check out what else is growing around the country over at May Dreams Gardens "Garden Blogger Bloom Day" list.

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