Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Late Season Blooming Flowers: Anenome 'Queen Charlotte'

Japanese anenomes are a great choice of perennial for late season color in the garden. It blooms prolifically from late summer through early fall, even until frost in some climates. 

'Queen Charlotte' is a new addition to my garden and I was so excited to see it's blossoms appear last week. 

This anenome has a lovely light pink flower, single to semi-double blossoms with a cluster of bright yellow stamens in the center. The flowers appear atop tall, wiry stems above a pretty cluster of green foliage. The delicate stems sway in the breeze and the soft pink color is a welcome hue in the fall garden. 

They prefer partial shade but will tolerate more sun if need be and can grow to 3 feet tall. 'Queen Charlotte' are a great cut flower too!

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