Friday, August 15, 2014

What's Blooming This Month? August 2014

It's Garden Blogger Bloom Day! On the 15th of each month, we garden bloggers like to show off what's blooming and growing in our gardens. Here on Long Island, zone 7, things are blooming all over and I'm just letting most of the plants simply do their thing. 

Below are a few favorites from my August garden this month:

These black eyed Susans take center stage in August in my garden. They are so happy and free, I just let them bloom and fill in all over. It's like a sky full of yellow fireworks.

A new addition this year under the yellow Day Lily is Sedum 'Cherry Tart'. 
I love the purple foliage and pink blossoms.

The panicle hydrangea is in full bloom now and looking fantastic. 

Another new addition is Echinachea 'Hot Papaya'. I needed something tall in the back of the bed that would look lovely with the rudbeckias. These cone flowers have petals 
that point downward and look like little mini rockets to me. 

The Knockout Rose in in full bloom and looking so very happy these days. 

My containers in the shade are looking great now. Along the back fence, there is little soil and lots of shade. So instead of struggling to find something to grow there all season, I had my children paint a few stray branches with outdoor paint and voila!, instant garden art to brighten up a shady spot. 

My August garden is full of vibrant colors these days. What about yours? What's blooming where you are? Do you have any of the same plants? I'd love to hear from you!

Many thanks to Carol over at May Dreams Gardens for hosting this month's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day! 


  1. Kate-I love your late summer combinations of Echinecea and Rudbeckia. They are two of my favorites and I was finally able to add some Echinacea to my own gardens for some late summer color. This has been the perfect summer here on Long Island (as you know) and the plants are loving it. Your gardens certainly look fantastic!

    1. Thanks Lee! I just bought a few other Echinaceas. I just love them and now I'm seeing finches enjoying their seed heads!

  2. Kate we have some of the same flowers growing even though I am a couple of zones cooler here in CNY. I wish it would warm up here again as it has cooled and flooded quite a bit.

    1. This summer has been an interesting one Donna. Right now we are hot and humid, the first all summer here!

  3. Love your gardens. I love all the adyc s another damned yellow compounds.

  4. Your blooms are similar to mine. I have noticed that several gardeners have pretty daylilies blooming now. I don't have any late blooming daylilies. I haven't bought a daylily in about 10years. Maybe I need to look around again. Happy GBBD.

    1. The kind I have, Lisa, are "repeat bloomers". Not a huge amount of blooms at once, but they keep on going and the kind I have are a dwarf variety. There are lots of choices now.

  5. Your Knockout Rose is truly lovely, such a beautiful colour. I love your shady spot with the painted twigs too, what a lovely idea.


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