Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Feathery Plumes of Astilbe

Astilbe is one of those plants I have really become fond of over the years. The fern-like foliage looks so handsome in the garden and suddenly, spires of feathery plumes arise above in an array of colors. 

Below, Astilbe 'Bressingham Beauty' enjoys the dappled sunlight in my backyard.

These shade loving plants can certainly brighten up a darkened section of the garden or even along a garden path to do the same. In colder climates, they can tolerate full sun, but they really thrive in the shade/dappled shade of my zone 7b garden on Long Island, NY.

This red variety doesn't get much "fuzzier" than this and also does well in some sun (most it gets is 2 hrs direct sun a day). But it's tall spires look like soldiers above the lush foliage below.

Here is a row of white astilbe I saw while on a local garden tour. I love how whimsical they look along the border. Such a great plant!

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