Monday, August 12, 2013

Tall, yellow flowers of Rudbeckia

The August garden is lit up by many bright, cheery Rudbeckias but one I am particularly fond of is Rudbeckia 'Herbstonne' (also called Rudbeckia 'Autumn Sun').

It grows to a height of 4-7 feet and each flower is about 4 inches wide. The yellow petals droop downward from a green center cone. 

It's striking in a large grouping and makes a wonderful backdrop to any perennial border, given its height and dark green foliage. And it blooms from late summer to fall!


  1. nice to meet a person who also likes flowers.

  2. I live in Winnipeg Manitoba and these beautiful flowers just appeared in my yard one day and now after several years they align my back yard fence beautifully. I even trans-planted some around the yard and they grew great.

  3. I have a pot of this plant and I've been wondering what it was. It has done great in a seven gallon plant, unprotected in Central Alabama for 6 or 7 years....should have known it was a Rudbeckia. Anyway, now I know what to call it. Hoping to divide it this Fall and give a few plants to friends. I love the foliage which isn't as small or pubescent as with a variety like 'Goldstrum'.


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