Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Backyard Renovation: Part 5 - Seating Area

Once the boulder retaining walls were in place, work began on the seating area in the part of the property still "up on the hill." This was an addition to our original plans for the backyard and now I'm so excited for it!

Stone slab steps were brought in and laid into the slope.

 Then flat, irregular shaped stones were placed in a circle to create the seating area.

 And the remaining boulders were placed into the slope - both decorative and functional.

The end result is so beautiful. I can't wait to sit up here and enjoy the view once the project is all finished.

Next, the plants go in, then sprinklers, lighting and finally grass! We are almost there!

See the progression here:
Part 1: Tree Removal
Part 2: Retaining Wall
Part 3: The Fence


  1. How incredibly exciting. I love projects like that and yours is such a large project.

  2. Look how big those boulders are!!! Love the circle seating area, and the steps. And yes, the way the boulders are placed is a work of art. Well done. Can't wait for the next step!

  3. Great content you have here. Great information with beautiful pictures. Keep writing more informative blogs.

  4. HUGE project. Looks to be a nice one too.


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