Saturday, August 28, 2010

Moonflower finally makes an appearance!

All summer long I have been waiting for the Moonflower to bloom. They were planted among the Morning Glories which have done really well this summer. But one night this week, I finally noticed a beautiful white bloom smiling down at me:

This is Giant White Moonflower (Ipomoea alba). I love the femininity of this flower. The soft ruffles of the petals and the overall shape of the flower. 

By the time the sun comes up in the morning, the Moonflower is finished. And while it's a shame I don't get to see it more, I know that it really isn't here for my enjoyment alone. It's really for the moth pollinators like the Pink-spotted Hawkmoth or the Luna Moth who are attracted to it's scent and the bright white flower during the night hours. Nevertheless, I was still happy to see it when made an appearance on my porch this week!


1 comment:

  1. I planted a Moonflower last year among my Morning Glories ... and with much excitement I waited... and waited... and waited... and the frost finally came and there was no bloom. So happy to see yours! Not sure what my problem was.


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